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New York 2014

From 2nd to 4th April 2014 in New York, USA was held the XVII Youth Summit from the calendar of PEN INTERNATIONAL which includes the business competition "Global Business Challenge" and the International Virtual Enterprises Trade Fair. 149 teams from 11 states participated in the International Trade Fair of Training Firms. NTBHS was presented by two practice firms "Aromatic sensation" Ltd. and "Compass Junior" Ltd. which won three prizes:

- Best Booth for "Aromatic sensation" Ltd;

- Professionally made company catalog for "Aromatic sensation" Ltd;

- Best Web Site in category for advanced sites for "Compass Junior" Ltd. 

A special guest at the stands of the two Bulgarian practice firms was Mr. Milen Luckanov, the General Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in New York. Mr. Luckanov expressed his admiration for the knowledge and skills of the young entrepreneurs from NTBHS.