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XXII International Fair

On February 26, 2021, the traditional fair "Integrative practical training" of the National Trade and Banking High School was held online for the first time. The fair was the final event to mark the 108th anniversary of the high school.

More than 800 students from X, XI and XII classes representing 61 practice enterprises of the high school took part of the fair. 30 practice firms, 25 practice banks and 6 practice formations presented themselves. The challenge for them was for the first time to show the accumulated knowledge and skills for concluding commercial transactions, but in an entirely online environment. During the online fair, the students successfully exchanged 4,151 text messages and spent 105,488 minutes in negotiations, which led to 858 successful transactions.

All the participants did an excellent job and skillfully used their knowledge in the field of trade, lending, and insurance, which was noted by the inspection committees.

Special guests of the event were Mrs. Vanya Kastreva, PhD - Head of the Regional Department of Education Sofia-city, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov - Rector of the University of National and World Economy, Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov - President of the Bulgarian Trade and Industry Chamber, Mrs. Daria Mavrudieva - Director of the Center of Training Companies in Bulgaria, Mr. Andrea Tonietti - Human Resources Director at UniCredit Bulbank, Mr. Kostadin Mavrodiev - Office Manager of Raiffeisen Bank.

The event was also personally supported by Mr. Scott Mitchell, Executive Director of EUROPEN-PEN International, Mr. Eric Spinner from the headquarter of EUROPEN-PEN International in New York and Ms. Svenya Zenz - International Marketing and Development Manager, EUROPEN- PEN International.

The guests of the fair expressed their excellent impressions of the great professionalism shown by the students of the National Trade and Banking High School, of their knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm. Traditionally, the competition program was held, which awarded the winners in various categories, and the best received the title "Banker of the Year", "Merchant of the Year" and "Employee of the Year".

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